There are two versions of the Site Navigator, the Lite Version and the Professional Version. The Lite Version, is available at no cost and will allow you to select a starting point for the tree and additionally will allow you to "trim the tree" based on user permissions. The Professional version, which is available for a small fee, adds some additional functionality to set the automatic expansion depth, show site collections only, and adds an option to select which web applications to show instead of setting a URL starting point.

If you are interested in either the Lite or Pro version, simply drop a line to SharePointSolutions@Ensynch.com and we will get you hooked up. And in case you just want to know how we did it, here are some of the details, with a few minor changes to simplify the illustration...
After you create a Class Library project, make sure you add a reference to the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace and have all of the following using commands:
using System;Also, you will need to add two classes to your .cs file. One of these classes will be used to build and render the WebPart Tree and the other will be implementing the EditorPart class to build the property modification pane. There are a couple of methods that must be implemented in both classes:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
public class SPSiteCollectionNav : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart, IWebEditableWe are going to discuss building the SPSiteCollectionNav class first. Now that we have implemented all of the necessary functions, we can begin customizing our code. We are going to use the CreateChildControls() method to initiate the creation our tree and add it to the WebPart Controls Collection. We are also going to add a new property that we can set with our EditorPart to dynamically change properties of our tree display. Here is enough to get you started.
public SPSiteCollectionNav()
//IWebEditable Members
EditorPartCollection IWebEditable.CreateEditorParts()
Listeditors = new List ();
return new EditorPartCollection(editors);
object IWebEditable.WebBrowsableObject
get { return this; }
//WebPart override methods
protected override void CreateChildControls()
this.ChildControlsCreated = true;
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
public class TreeViewEditor : EditorPart, ICallbackEventHandler
public TreeViewEditor()
//EditorPart override methods
protected override void CreateChildControls()
public override bool ApplyChanges()
return true;
public override void SyncChanges()
//ICallbackEventHandler Members
private string _argument = string.Empty;
public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
//store the argument in a local variable so we can use it in the "GetCallbackResult" method
//later on if necessary.
_argument = eventArgument;
public string GetCallbackResult()
return string.Empty;
private TreeView tree;Next, we will work on adding some customizable properties to our WebPart. This is done with the EditorPart.
public SPSiteCollectionNav()
tree = new TreeView();
//lets add a property to turn on and off a create date tag
//appended to the tree node text, for EditorPart demonstration
private bool showCreateDate;
[WebBrowsable(false), Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.Shared)]
public bool ShowCreateDate
get { return showCreateDate; }
set { showCreateDate = value; }
EditorPartCollection IWebEditable.CreateEditorParts()
Listeditors = new List ();
//add our EditorPart to the editors collection
TreeViewEditor editor = new TreeViewEditor();
return new EditorPartCollection(editors);
protected override void CreateChildControls()
//Elevate our privs so that we can get access to the Server Farm
SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated myCodeToRun = new SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated(PopulateTreeControl);
//Create the tree and add it to the page
this.ChildControlsCreated = true;
private void PopulateTreeControl()
//clear out the tree so we can start fresh
//get the servers in the local farm
SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local;
SPWebService service = farm.Services.GetValue("");
//enumerate the servers and add them to the tree
foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in service.WebApplications)
TreeNode webAppNode = new TreeNode();
webAppNode.Text = webApp.Name;
if (showCreateDate)
webAppNode.Text += " Created On: " + webApp.Created.ToString();
webAppNode.NavigateUrl = null;
//TODO: add code to enumerate the sites under
//the web app and add them to the tree
private CheckBox showCreateDateCheckBox;And there you have it. The Create Date checkbox will appear in the properties pane of the WebPart and can be used to turn on and off the display of the Site Create Date in the Site Node text of our Navigation WebPart.
public TreeViewEditor()
//instantiate our create date checkbox
showCreateDateCheckBox = new CheckBox();
protected override void CreateChildControls()
//add the create date checkbox to our properties pane
showCreateDateCheckBox.Text = " Show Create Date with Site Title";
Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div style='width:100%' class='UserDottedLine'></div>"));
public override bool ApplyChanges()
SPSiteCollectionNav part = WebPartToEdit as SPSiteCollectionNav;
if (part != null)
//save the checkbox value back to the WebPart
part.ShowCreateDate = showCreateDateCheckBox.Checked;
return false;
return true;
public override void SyncChanges()
SPSiteCollectionNav part = WebPartToEdit as SPSiteCollectionNav;
if (part != null)
//sync any changes to the web part back to its properties
showCreateDateCheckBox.Checked = part.ShowCreateDate;
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