Friday, April 22, 2011

Small Bug Found in MIIS/ILM/FIM Identity Manager UI….

Okay, so it’s so small its hardly worth mentioning.  However, if you happen to run into the error “no-start-file-open” when running an import/export step or see the following message when trying to browse to your files while configuring the import step, you may be a victim of this issue.


The problem occurs when you have given your MA a name that ends in one or more periods (“.”).  While this is considered legal by the Identity Manager UI (FYI - Identity Manager will not allow periods at the beginning of the MA Name), the periods will get stripped off of the MaData folder automatically by Windows.  In my test case I named my MA “ma ,, test – with __special ,, characters – ..”, a bit excessive I know, but hey, I was testing.  However, my MaData folder actually turned out like:


You can see why ILM could then have a problem finding the files specified in the run profile since its using the MA Name to determine the file path (i.e. its looking for it in D:\Program Files\Microsoft Identity Integration Server\MAData\ma ,, test – with __special ,, characters – ..\).  Further proof that this is the case can be found in the Event Viewer:


The fix?  Simply open the MA properties in Identity Manager, remove any periods from the end of the MA name and it should begin working as expected.

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